Lord Jagannath: Through the Eyes of a Yogi


Within the hallowed confines of Puri, one of India’s most holy cities, stands the Jagannath Temple. This magnificent monument is dedicated to the Supreme Lord of the Universe, Shri Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu. It is fitting that the temple is surrounded by myriad legends and mysteries, for it houses the greatest mystery of all — the formless form of the Divine, Lord Jagannath. Like a great and powerful magnet, the temple has attracted countless devotees and pilgrims throughout the centuries. In the words of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, “For eons saints, sages, and devotees have come to Puri from different parts of the world searching for liberation, searching for a more evolved form of life. They come for a glimpse of Lord Jagannath.”

In this remarkable collection of fifty essays, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda offers the reader unique insight into the supreme reality of life: He offers the reader a glimpse of Lord Jagannath. Based on the teachings of his beloved Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the master invites us to view one of India’s greatest mysteries through the clear, unobstructed lens of an omniscient and enlightened yogi.

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Within the hallowed confines of Puri, one of India’s most holy cities, stands the Jagannath Temple. This magnificent monument is dedicated to the Supreme Lord of the Universe, Shri Shri Jagannath Mahaprabhu. It is fitting that the temple is surrounded by myriad legends and mysteries, for it houses the greatest mystery of all — the formless form of the Divine, Lord Jagannath. Like a great and powerful magnet, the temple has attracted countless devotees and pilgrims throughout the centuries. In the words of Paramahamsa Prajnanananda, “For eons saints, sages, and devotees have come to Puri from different parts of the world searching for liberation, searching for a more evolved form of life. They come for a glimpse of Lord Jagannath.”

In this remarkable collection of fifty essays, Paramahamsa Prajnanananda offers the reader unique insight into the supreme reality of life: He offers the reader a glimpse of Lord Jagannath. Based on the teachings of his beloved Gurudev Paramahamsa Hariharananda, the master invites us to view one of India’s greatest mysteries through the clear, unobstructed lens of an omniscient and enlightened yogi.